Dear Me,
How did we get here? One minute I'm watching YouTube videos in my bed, gladly ignoring the glaring responsibilities of my math homework, and the next I'm here-writing this entry. The first of many I hope. I know one day I'll look back at this post and cringe with embarrassment at how bad it is. But the truth is I have no tried and true formula to this online diary thing. All I know is that my life has changed significantly over the last 4 years, and with graduation and my 24th birthday vastly approaching...I don't see life slowing down anytime soon. I know my story may not seem important to me, but it is. Why else would I be here? My memories, thoughts, dreams, aspirations, fears, and everything in between are important. And I want to remember them, to reflect on where I've been and look ahead to where I'm going. Get ready for the cliche semi-motivational quote...Life is too damn short. It's an oldy, but a goody. Mainly because it's true. Where are we going? The truth is I don't know. But I do know one thing, wherever it is I'll be taking you with me.
Buckle up girlfriend, something tells me we're in for the ride of a lifetime (literally).
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